Saturday, December 26, 2009

Inspiration at its best

I stumbled upon a great post today. It is about life story of ABRAHAM LINCOLN. It shows the failures he went through yet he never lost hope. For 32 years he fought with his destiny before achieving his pinacle - his presidency. Read on

1832 Lost job. Defeated for state legislature

1833 Failed in business.

1835 Wife died

1836 Had nervous breakdown

1838 Defeated for speaker

1843 Defeated for nomination of congress

1848 Lost renomination

1849 Rejected for land officer

1854 Defeated US Senate

1856 Defeated for nomination for vice president

1858 Again defeated for US Senate


1860 Elected as President.

I was amused by the number of failures and number of years he fought before achieving what he wanted. We usually lose our hopes, say that I cant take it anymore, it's enough for me. If you really think so, I can bet after reading this one, you must be propelled to change your thoughts

Sunday, September 20, 2009

First 99 of the season

After so many days I am updating this blog. I was rather busy in other stuff and some issues. Well, between all this, i got my 1st 99% of the season. Yeah, a good moral booster. I scored 79 marks in Proc Mock 5 there by getting 99.9%ile and CAT predicted %ile is 99.97, I dont know if it was fluke or I actually did it, but I was amazed to see myself scoring this high. It is just a matter of timing, luck & a bit of preparation too. I am ealted to see myself getting on the track.
I will try to update this blog more often now.
Ok, one more update, PG UDT 09 is out as I am not part of it anymore. The UDT tag chucks me one more time. I am happy to see the team formed. But, I have some questions also that i never asked anyone. This blog, being my personal place, I can surely write about it here.
They say, It's isn't about your scores, it's about your intense desire, dedication & passion. Still, my scores are not bad either. May be selectors think I lack the desire to crack it. What a farce!
Now I have to show it to them how much passionate I am? my desires? holy smoke, gimme a break..And the way people post "These people are the only one who r truley deserving & achievers". Ok, I wont write more here. But one thing is right here, and better get it straight, Hell with them, nobody on earth can disrupt my desire & motivation to bell it. So what I rarely get a good score. Doesnt matter anymore to me.
Such things, increases my self belief exponentially. I remember one girl, who had posted a nomination there in UDT 08. She was not selected in the team. Neverthless, she never returned to the thread. One fine day, i saw her post on UDT thread. It was sometihng like this:

Nobody belived in my abilitie, strength & desires. Only I did. Hereby,
I post my result to sum up the season and to tell everyone that one may fail to
know about other's intense desires, dreams and abilities.
Result: selected IIM BLICK, opting for IIM B

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

CL Prock Mock 2

Hello Fellas,
I am posting little bit late up here. Was little bit busy in many small small things. However, somehow i got time to appear for CL's 2nd Proc. Mock. I have been giving tests since last one month but this is when i am going to get the %iles and AIRs.

Duhh..i am not bothered much about it now, but it was a nice experience and i must say CL has finely executed the online tests. I was thinking that online pattern will make much of a defference in one's preparation/strategy blah blah blah..I found myself on a wrong side of the road after appearing for 1st online test. It was just another test. No much differences. The key was, there should be only one thought on your mind that you have to solve the question infront of you. Nothing else. If you keep on thinking about the strategy of online test, how will i change the appraoch? dont need this okey..

Anyway, as i said earlier that i have been taking quiet a few tests this last month, this helped me a lot to cool down my senses. I have taken almost 5 full length tests + 12-15 sectional tests this month. This scrapped my anxiety of the paper, strategy and what not. I was as cool as i never thought of while giving this test. Although i am not yet sure about the scores, i am happy with my performance in the test.

CL's Mock had 70 Qs with 40 in VA, 15 in DI & 20 in QA. Each section had time limit & test had to be solved in a particular sequence. i.e. VA first, then DI and then QA. I personally found VA quite doable but it indeed tested your VA skills. Specially of grammar. So if you are a person thinking that grammar is not your cup of tea, change your likings..

QA was also doable but i could solve around 10 Q only..I have to increase my speed in quant big time. DI was tough as many deemed so..But 5-6 attempt could have been a safe side in this paper.

I end up solving 33/40 in VA, 10/20 in QA and 7/15 DI total 50/70

Well, regarding the updates on perps, as i mentioned about the Chandra sir, He let me work 2 months on number system alone. This increased my comfort level in number syst. problems and boosted my hopes in QA. Now i am upto Algebra and he has given me time line of 15 days. Lets see, I am optimistic about the Algebra also. If i bang this one too, I will end up covering two biggest scoring topics in Quant.

I will continue to update my grammar blog here. I will also update about the Mock Scores. TIME's AIMCAT is just down the road now.

One thing that i learnt today: Don't think about not studying a topic as mocks have started. Irrespective of mocks, study that topic because ultimately you have to score on CAT and not on Mocks..


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

No title for this post

It's been quite a while i have posted on this blog. Exactly one month.
These days I am quite busy with moi preps and other stuff. Also i have started a grammar blog. Like here

I have joined Byju this time for honning moi QA skills. It's going great so far and i have started to belive that even a chap like me can solve QA questions. Jokes apart, indeed this guy is helping me big time in building the concepts & strengthen my belife.

We (Here "We" means Pune Pagalguy people) had a PG meet in the month of April at Level 9 cafe. Harshad aka HarshadK was also present there. It's always been a great pleasure talking to him.

One question i always ask to everyone who has got into the IIMs is, any gyan on improving QA?
He suggested me to talk to Chandra sir from Takshzilla. He just quote me one line "This guy is amazing, he can take you from ground zero level to way beyond the sky in QA".

What else i needed, well, to update on this, Chandra sir is indeed helping me to jettison my QA jinx and improve big time. I am happy that I am doing good these days..


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Awesome show by my UDT Fellas

Yes, as anyone can guess, this post is for all my fellow UDTians for their mountain moving success in converting calls from covert portals of IIMs. I share their happines today. God knows why someone gets happy for people who he/she have never seen. I never met with more that one person from UDT. But, today i am on cloud9 for my fellas. I feel like i have converted along with them. I specially feel happy for sinchan aka RIK_12 and moi friend, brother ganesh aka ganeshiima on PG. I shared every emotion with these guys, rather i kept on bothering them with my silly doubts in Quant or sometimes in DI. These people never made a long face at my silly questions. They wanted me to crack the CAT as badly as I did. Finally, i feel sad for one more UDT friend VIVEKKAHN on PG. This guy scored like anything in CAT 08 with all sectional above 98.50 and overall 99.92 but he didnt get calls from A,B,L. And today he has got all three rejects.
This happens, this happens for our own good. But, after such a mindboggling result shouldnt a person expect at least a call? Anyway i think all who have got rejects deserver much more than what they were chasing.
I wanna thank and congratulate all moi friends on this post itself
Arun Kapur - our UDT kaptan as a true kaptan in the sense. Awesome chaser and fighter.
Orangutan - Our own chimp, monk as everyone calls him. A consisten player and a phodu.
Ganeshiima - My closest friend and a gift from PG. I have never met a person of this high caliber. GATE AIR 4 and fantastic 5 IIM converts.
Vivekkahn - VA champ as we all know him, and he deservs "A" for sure.
Prem_ravi - Prem bhai, what can be written for him yaar. I have no words that can do justice in explaining this person. But, there is one word to explain him - Inspiration
Rik_12 - This dude gave me something i was searching badly, a strategy for CAT. Thanks dude. He had a lone call from IIM C and i am more than happy for him as he has converted this one.
V-factor - Vivek - a balboa freak. Great fighter. You will always here a song from - Hearts on Fire Strong desire.
Jayaram85 - A silent performer dude. I am happy he has converted NITIE and awaiting MDI. But, still somewhere i feel he deserve IIMs.
Forgive me if i have missed any name guys..But really i am happy for all converts and whom so ever has got rejects or have not get their dream insti. i think every person from our UDT team deserves a place in the IIMs only. These people are of the highest caliber and great zeal and passion. I wish everyone a gala time and Rock On!!!

Party guysssssssssssssssss


Monday, April 6, 2009

Its Raining Applauds

Its been long time i have blogged. With many updates and new things coming up along wth the preps for 2009 season, i have a very special points to share with all.
March 2009 has been one of the best month of my life. Loads of work place appreciations, salary revision, international journal publications, birthday and a cherry on top - a standing ovation. Well, it all started in the month of March. I completed 2 years with L&T infotech and so got the awited pay options resulting in a salary revision. My most awaited SAP professional journal article got published in the mid of March. I was working on this article for 11 long months. Before getting published, the article got edited 13 times. Well, patience pays a rich devidend. The news spread like a magic throughout my organization as this is the 1st ever publication from L&T Infotech in the most respected journal - SAPPRO. I emailed about the publication to my mentor in the evening and left for the day. Little i was aware that there is something unbeliveble and overwhelming thing waiting for me next day.
Center head, Europe Marketing head, Consulting practice head, Center of Excellence head, Operations head, Technical Delivery head, Vice president and finally President himself, appreciating my achievement and appluding my effort. A special newsletter got published all acorss L&T Infotech to celebrate this news. I had never seen these many appreciations ever in my life. Not even when i was a topper at my university. Well, after loads of mails and appreciations there came an open house event which is our L&T Infotech's regular event for communicationg about the updates, statistics and some fun. Some time after the event started, one of our very senior manager & head at L&T Infotech stood up and started talking about the awards and achievements. I heard his words as "You all must be knowing about this, he is a guy who got his first and L&T Infotech's first SAP Professional Journal publication. He has created most covated place for L&T Infotech that we were waiting for. This is one of the rarest momemt we can see and this guy deserves a standing ovation. Let us clap and appreciate" - It was raining applauds. A gift from The President & Operations head and everyone in the auditorium standing and clapping.
Oh man!!! this was sometihng i had never imagined and extremely overwhelming. Even when i am writing about the incedent, some charge is running through my blood. It was the day, the best day of my life. I am speachless.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Preparation starts yet again...

After having long discussions and talks with my parents, friends and many other persons, Here i am ready and decided t ogive yet another shot at most coveted exams of India - CAT. It was indeed very tough decision with many things at stake. Last season was very much enriching for me in terms of concept building and also changing my approach towards the CAT.
Anyways, without writing much about anything else, let me post the agenda. I am starting my preps from today with an algebra class :) I am hopfull that this year i wont fails in anycase. This year i have to win. Here i begin my journey yet again....


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Clouds of thought

Since the CAT results are out, i have been thinking quite off beat. With a thought of one more year and one more attempt at the CAT, various other thoughts are making a gold rush in my mind these days. As i have almost an year to go, here are some of the thoughts that are dominating my cerebral portion these days.
--> Preparing for CFA and appear for June attempt.
--> Forget about everything and concentrate at office work.
--> SAP Professional Journal Publication - Should i only concentrate on my three international publications? oh, rather elite publications.
--> Started a company - oh, i didn't announced about it yet. Yes, i am in a process of a registering a private consultancy solution firm. Got a few clients even before the registry so concentrate on that.
--> Power of Idea - A few months ago i had an idea, an idea to develop and innovate. With the power of idea initiative by ET, should i submit my idea? If i get an investor, i will be able to make all my ideas and dreams into reality.
With so many thoughts, i do not know if i am being optimistic or over aggressive. For the first time in life i am feelign to have day of 48 hrs and night of only 12 hrs. Quite interesting huh !

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

CAT Results at the Doorstep

8th Jan 2009, a day before the CAT results day. This has been a fantastic journey what so ever. I have enjoyed every moment of this journey. The AIMCATs, the analysis, studying til late nights, waking up early for study again and a whole day of office. Every ounce of happiness i have enjoued all through this journey. I was so addicted to all these that i am feeling bad these that i am doing neither of these above mentioned activities. In a true sense, i have enjoyed my incomplete journy to IIMs. It reminds me of one of my favourite song by backstreet boys - Incomplete which says
Empty spaces fill me up with holes
Distant faces with no place left to go Without you within
me I can't find no rest
Where I’m going is anybody’s guess. I tried to go on like
I never knew you.
I’m awake but my world is half asleep. I pray for this
heart to be unbroken,
But without you all I’m going to be is
Voices tell me I should carry on, But I am swimming in an
ocean all aloneBaby,
my babyIt’s written on your face. You still wonder if we
made a big mistake.
I tried to go on like I never knew you, I’m awake but my
world is half asleep.
I pray for this heart to be unbroken, But without you all
I’m going to be is incomplete
I don’t mean to drag it on, but I can’t seem to let you
go. I don’t wanna make you face this world alone. I wanna let you go
I tried to go on like I never knew youI’m awake but my
world is half asleepI pray for this heart to be unbrokenBut without you all I’m
going to be is incompleteIncomplete
Sorry for posting the full song, but cant help it guys, i just love it. Anyways, to continue, I know i have messed up in DI and i should not expect a call from IIMs. But this does not ends the saga. With many results lined up, i am expecting at least a few calls this season. If not, i may come back for the next season. Anyways, i am writing this post just to emphasise that what ever your CAT results may come, do not get unstable. Be it all 7 IIMs call or be it none. If you get all calls then you have more responsibility on your shoulders. You will again have to prove that among these 5000 odd short listed people, I am the best and deserve to be there at the red brick rooms. The most covated place on this earth. So head down again and head for a GD PI.
If you are on other side of the line where i think i too will be, mind it this is not the end friends, indeed this is not an end. Rather you have got yet another opportunity to prove yourself. Even if you decide not to go for a CAT and may be CAT 2008 was your last attempt. Plan for a GMAT or any other higher education. But tell you people frankly, god also respect those people who get there by working hard and by taking pains. This is not your downfall, but think about other side of it. Only after passing through thousands degree of temp. and after continuous hammering, gold comes out of raw material. We all, who are charged up with a motive, with a goal and passion are gold of some or the other forms. We are in the phase of transformation and some will finish it soon or some will take more time. So the gist of this post is just to say relax, calm down and do not get disturbed by the results. You will get what you deserve.
I think i am writing this post to tell all this to myself with a mask of "You". Anyways, All the best fellas for your result. I will post mine once i get them.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

IIT dreams perished

JMET results are out now. I was pretty sure about clearing it this time as i had done this before in 2006. Anyways, this story is different this time. This is what my result is:

Sorry, You are not qualified for JMET 2009
IITs have not disclosed the marks and i do not expect them to do so as they have a reputation of keep it to themselves. So many reults are line up now and the start is not that good. Let us see about the next results. For all of those who have qulified - Loads of congratulations.

Well, i appeared for XAT y'day and i think i have done resonably well. However, Quant attempts are on the boundry. But if i hit the accuracy again, the game is still on.