Wednesday, June 25, 2008

AIMCAT 0918 Results Out !!

AIMCAT 0918 results are out now, first of all soory for posting after so many days as had benn busy in projects. Well, this AIMCAT was a real opprtunity to test where you preparations are heading. Questions were easy, YES easy !! even though it wont appear easy at first hand.
In the QA section, there were minimum 8 question those one could have solved if one's concentration during the test was highest. The cut off for this section is at 21 marks (5 questions). Few question i want to discuss out here.
I dont remember the question number so please pardon me for that.
There was a question i think question 49, was the easiest of all..IF you are able to draw the figure properly, Bang !! 4 marks and figure was not that tough to draw. The clue in this question was the use of "Alternate segment theorem". With the use of this answer was there in your hands in less than 2 minutes. I missed this one because of oversight. This i have been telling to my self to read each and every question and i even decide that i will not let any question go out of my eye sight but some how this keeps happen. Lets see, i am trying to improve on this.

Secondly, there was a question 28, that talks about number of people are games that they play. simple writing down the equation in terms of veriables a,b,c,d.... would have fetched you 4 marks straight away. No skills were required to solve this one. I solved this one wrong !!

Now there was a question number 34 i think, please cross chekc the question number.
It talks about a+b+c+d = 13 and we were asked to find minimum value of sum of cubes of a,b,c,d given that all are positive integers.
Man, this was the question for which i am breaking my head that i never tried to solve it.
Now tell me what will be the minimum value of sum of a,b,c,d if a+b+c+d = 13???
Obviously when a=b=c=d = 13/4 isn't it??
But as all are integers, we can take this value for a,b,c,d, now lets take nearest integer value of this fraction and this comes out as 3 !!
Now try to consider value of variables as 3, but a+b+c+d = 3+3+3+3 => 12 !! so we need to increase one of the value by 1 so the sum becomes 3+3+3+4 = 13 !!
Now use these values and determine the sum of cubes of these values and this come out as 145 !!
4 marks more. I think we are at 12 marks by now..

Now this i remember clearly, question number 32, that asked you to clculate the ratio of sides and ration of other sides was given as 4:3
I am not saying this was poor question but belive me if you are good at similarity of triangles, you would have fetched 4 marks for sure...

Now comes again one of the most simple question, 43..
It talks about dishonest sugur marchant and his gain on trading, He manages to get 20% more sugure initially that means if he is intended to get 100 Kg of sugure, he manages 120 Kg. And suppose the price of sugure is 1 Rs so he initially invested 100Rs. Now 30% of sugur actually delivered is added to get original quantity i.e. 30% of 120 => 36 which gets you to 156, and it was stated that he charges 10% of initial claiming his transportation cost so 10% of 100 => 10 so adding this we get 156 + 10 = 166 so total gain is 66% !! More 4 marks..

Now i wanna discuss the question number 47, was most easy and was solvable in not more than 1 min. It talks about points that lie on and between the trinagle with co-ordinate (0,0) (0,5)(5,0).
It ask you to find number of integer points on this figure.
Even if you draw the figure and mark points manually, it will land you to 10 Points, Try it. Draw the figure and have a look your self.
By now we are up to 20 marks i.e. 1 mark short of cutoff and %tile near to 93-94 !!

Well, there are some more questions but i wont discuss them out here. These were the question one could have managed to solve in less than 15 min at max and cut off was clear. I missed this althoguh claiming i was not fresh enough to write the test but i understand CAT wont let me give any excuse and i have to crack it any how...
Hope i wont repeate these silly mistakes in the coming AIMCAT !! All the best and congrats for the people who scored well on this test.


1 comment:

  1. i love ur blog, i am appearin for CAT too!!:( jus finished ma grad,very skeptical dint even begin studyin!a total lazy bum:P wil look forward to more posts..
