Saturday, March 29, 2008

Gearing up again..

So after all those post, i have started preparing quite nicely. I am planning to keep this blog updated with all my studies and regular plans..
A few things i would like to update here,
Books i am using for QA :
1) How to preapre for quantitative aptitude for CAT by Arun Sharma
This book is just too good for all those people like me who are (or i was :-) ) weak in maths and want to improve right from the basics..
2) Think without ink by K. VENKATARAMAN
Superb book, i tell you guys this book have a question on flight and speed, two cities and their time zone that came as it is into CAT2007 with only values changed and for 8 marks!!! so grab this one too..
Now here goes my schedule..
As i said i will be appearing for AIMCATS and are starting from 23rd may or 25th may. As i think i am tackling QA so i am studying QA since past two months and sometime DI too, as my VA is better than these two sections so i will be starting with VA from 15th May.

Now i will discuss what i am studying right now in next post..

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Journey started again..

I was not really enjoying my job, the only reason to be happy that i get to work on SAP. Job was getting tougher and tougher..and many unexpected things came infront of me. There are many things that made my mind again to take up the CAT in 2008, not in 2007 as i am having a bond with my org.
I decided at the very early that this time i wont reapeat the mistakes that i did on CAT 2006. I had many imp things to improve, my attitute, my strategy and obviously QA. I got the posting in Pune and this kick started my CAT journey..I decided to join TIME and started preparing and decided to keep deciplined aproach in my studies..So this recalled me the song from Metallica, here i am on the road again....
Studies were going good initially and i scored 91%ile with decent breakups in VA & QA but failes badly in DI in surprise mock held in Feb 2008, but since early march 2008 i lost the pace, today i am feeling very low on hopes and low inspiration....and this made me to write this long blog to inspire myself. Althogh i am wasting today's time for study, but i really think it was very important for me to get motivated again and come in the race again, I know i lost the battle earlier but the war is still on with high spirit and an intense desire to succeed this time..
It is almost 1 o'clock and i should sleep now, else will get late for the office tomorrow...

First take !!

It was year 2005 when i decided to take my first short with CAT in 2006. I was very desperate to start up the preparations and hit the bulls eye in Nov 19th 2006. I preapred for the complete whole year with full hopes and all my guns loaded fully for the battle. I noticed Quant as my weakest area, i was really very poor (Now also dont know the current status :) ) at maths, an consequently in DI too. English was giving some pinch of happines and still is giving, but people please excuse me for my writing skills.
Getting back on to the CAT, i was all the time mugging up all the formulas, all tables, any god knows what other things. Somewhere in august, the CAT bulletien came into the paper and i was damn excited that i took its paper cutting and stuck it on the wall of my bedroom. Everyday i was looking towards the covated IIMs logo and kept on saying to myself the this is where i want to get into.
Mocks started somewhere in the Sept. and i took the PT's PRAC CATs and this was the time when i get to know that journey is not so easy and not a cake walk even in VA foe me. My poor scores forced me to think if CAT is my cup of tea? But every time i felt low i was thinking of my parents, their struggle and i use to get ready for the battle.
Time passed away and the D-day came. i was getting too nervous and was getting too supertitious that even i used the same pencile to solve the paper with which i scored somewhere 90%ile although only once in mocks. I reached my center and was waiting outside for the gates to open. All the people around were like a bookworm and came with piles of books. This is when i lost my battle by getting a complex, this also made me to take a back seat on CAT and as expected i lost my battle with scoring poor 66%ile with pathetic 38%ile on maths, 58% ile on DI and 97%ile on English.
But journey was not over yet but i was loosing my every battle JMET, SNAP, IIFT, NMAT, but FMS !! although i failed on FMS too but it gave me the reason for existance. After all these failuers, i was not ready to come to Mumbai to appear for FMS. My friends somehow convinced me too come to FMS. It was the 19th January when an off campus was going on in LnT Infotech Powai. I decided to take it up to check if i am prepared this time at least or not. To conclude, FMS lost but LnT won..Here my journey ended and i thought end of the CAT too, but but but...something was still there in life's bag to offer to me...CAT was ready to come into my life again..

Why IIMs came into my life?

I know there are lot of blogs on CAT & the so called motivation, but today I just thought of penning down the reasons why I am so much motivated, passionate & fighting. People asks me "how do you keep yourself so much motivated man!". Well, simple hai..Because of my father. I dint claim here that only my father faced brutal life, it is just that I took the motivation from it.

It happens, when you grow up, start earning a sum of money, may be 20-25K . This is the time when you get used to with life. This is when the so called fire starts to cease. Why? I ask this question to myself & every time I get only one answer. The fire in me is increasing, everyday!!

My father belonged to rich, affluent farming family. My father still tells me the stories of exclusive life he had during his childhood. My father, He was little different from others..He wanted to study and carry the legacy of his grandfather by becoming Judge. When he was busy studying, others were busy abusing the money, wasting it up. Slowly and gradually, empire passed by and he was forced to fund his own education. He was talented, extremely talented.

He came to Khandala to work in a hotel as an accountant and he would also get one course of food there. With this money, he resumed his education in BMCC (A well known college in Pune). However, he was forced to quit this job when hotel went bankrupt.

This is when he came to pune, to his uncle. Who was brought up at my father's house. All that he asked was a place to sleep at night. Was he that unwanted to get denied even a place to sleep? He was given a dilapidated room that had no roof. Gosh! can we imagine this now?? I still can 't hold my emotions when he narrates me that incidence when he used to spend nights sitting in a corner of that room with no lights and legs crunched to his chest because of heavy rains.

He had that passion in him to make it big. In spite of adverse conditions , he cleared not only with flying colors but also UPSC for IAS. He had an interview call. He went to his uncle to ask for money so that he can travel for interview. He was denied again! He worked day & night at hotels to earn that money. None helped him. Somehow he managed the sum of money and went to interview. With no more than 2 Rs in his pocket, he travelled all along. But he missed that interview just because taxi driver denied to give him a free trip neither anyone gave him a lift. How can life be so cruel. Can you imagine this happening with someone in IIM interview. I pray to god none should face this situation ever in life.

Still he never gave up. He continued fighting with passion. He came to Aurangabad, my birthplace. With no relatives, no friends & no money, he made railway platform his home. Where he used to sleep on a sheet of a newspaper and other sheet was used as a blanket. Gosh! where is my fur blanket. I never share my pillow. We hear such sentences many times right?

well, he struggled a lot through out his life. Only thing he was lacked was practical approach. He helped others so much that he even mortgaged his shop. Anyway, things didn't turn up as he was expecting, but one more incident I specifically want to write here. I was in class 7th and my mom was visiting my nani's place because of nani's ill health. Our house was on debt and housing people had come for sealing the houses of defaulters. I had gone to meet dad that time for some work. He said come over son, those guys are here to shut down our house. He was smiling. may be he was saying, grow up soon son, and achieve what I failed to because of other adversities. I can still see his face with a smile. This is when I learnt to keep smiling in spite of difficulties. Come what may, never give up. He taught me this.

Today he has achieved and brought my family to a respected place in a society. I salute this guy, who is my beloved father.

Are you the one who is whining about a CAT failure? Poor scores? come on dude , do you still think after reading this that your failures are that big that can't be achieved? Give it a thought.

Whenever I feel low, I recall all these moments in front of my eyes. Within a second I get charged up to face whatever life has to offer.

Since my childhood, my parents never let me feel what is this word named "Hunger", but they were really struggling to meet daily needs, but they let me know that son this is how life is, my parents were giving me very important lesson of life. How to face life, how to take up the challenges of life, my father's fight with life, his struggle made me to decide my destination...IIMs

This is where the roots of my intense desire lies. Each one of you who is reading this blog post either have faced such adversities in life or their parent's have faced it in theirl ife. Only thing is , we cease to take motivation from the point that how much efforts our parent have taken to makes us qualified enough to see this day. We forget their pain when we get a salary credit message into our inbox on every month end. Think one more time guys, is this what your parent fought their entire life for? To see their kid achieving only this? Come on certainly not!

I am not trying to get sympathies through this post. Keep it to yourself. I just worte this because I think my father deserves it & may be because I want someone to get inspired from it.

Never Give up in life..
