Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Work load, Pencils and darkning of ovals

As you can guess from the title itself, i am consumed in the work like a bull. Ineed, since past three days i have ben working for more than 14 hrs a day. So finding it difficult to post on AIMCAT 906.
Life is really getting as unexpected as it can and this is proved from me getting assigned to multiple project when i had asked for a leave, Deadline of both the projects on the same day!, getting good score in AIMCAT 906 despite of not studing much and clearing the NSE Securities module with 92%. Anyways folks, i think this AIMCAT is good for most of you as there were lot may sitters. However i again flunked in QA. God knows when this is gonnna stop, May be by the next AIMCAT?
Works penciles and ovals, these are the things that has occupied my life most of these days. Sometimes i find it difficult to have the work study balance or pencils and oval balance. What? got confused? Ok let me clarify. Since AIMCAT 920, i have been marking at least one woron oval while solving. This has bumped my mind this time because i lot 12 marks just because i marked 4 ovals wrong even though i solved the questions correctly. Anyways, i can not spare much time writing this post as my messenger is continuously beeping and calling me for a dry run. Yes, that is thwe new word i have explored for internal demo. May be a management jargon. Sometimes i think why these management people use such words. May be to show how much the are working by mere throwing the orders to developers or may be to show they are managers. Anyways, this is not gonna cancel my meeting as as two oppositley charged entities are waiting for me. My manager and my work status.


1 comment:

  1. Hi There,

    I spend some good number of hours browsing through the interweave but generally don't post replies until I really like something.

    You have a very original and great blog. And btw don't take my comment as a promotion by any means, I don't need to.:)

    Good Luck for CAT.

