Wednesday, August 27, 2008

AIMCAT 910 results

I was searching a boulder to break my head, this was my reaction when i cheked my scores. I marked some questions incorectly !! i was unable to belive it as since CAT 2006 i hd taken evary possible care at least while marking. Anyways this taught me another aspect and i am sure i wont repeat this mistake again.
My performance was pathetic 87.33%ile, thanks to those 5 wrongly marked question, else i would at least have crossed 92 %ile. Anyways, there is no point in lamenting over spilt milk. This AIMCAT was real breazer for all. TIME has declared the cut offs at 10+, 11+, 14+ for QA, VA, DI respectively. I hope to get some time to analyze my performance at this AIMCAT. Sometimes work sucks every bit of your time.
However, whatever may be your score is, good or bad, dosent matter. Important point here is to check and analyze your mistakes and making sure not to repeat them in upcoming AIMCATs.
Never loose hope and never get demotivated. We still have 79 days to go and world can turn 79 times in this time. So pull your socks and fire with full throttle. I will update this blog again before the AIMCAT and after the AIMCAT.
Say it with me, I am improving, i wont loose, i will win..Lets win...This time now or never..

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