Saturday, July 2, 2011

A long awaited update post - Life, MBA, Job & Startup

Yes, this blog deserves at least an update. This is the place where I started blogging and went up to start a few websites :-) It is not that I have forgotten what I used to write and say to others here but things have been a bit slow paced these days or if I can say years :-).

I recently changed my job and switched to one of the big 3 consultancy companies in India. Life's good but there is this kid, still alive in me, who used to write about IIMs, motivation & what not. He tried to poke into a number of times before getting back into hibernation.

There are quiet a few updates I feel I should write here. First is the new job. As I said, it is a good place but you know how we are and what we are made up of. Though I do not actually take a book and prepare for exams, I still want to continue further education. But this time, it is not just backed up by emotions but also by a sense of responsibility & reality.

I had applied for Stanford Reliance Scholarship. Though I knew from start that I do not have a degree for IIT/NIT and there uncountable intelligent minds competing for mere 50 places. Though they shortlisted 65 this time, but it wouldn't change much.

I am planning to take a GMAT appointment something later this year. I am not sure if I will be able to meet the R1 deadlines of October, but doesn't matter. I will certainly write CAT this year as well. Yeah :D you can smile here :). This will be 8 th time I'd write this exam. Don't know when I will get a call or even bell the exam, but hell!! who cares. I will write it anyway.

There is this one thing I wanted to write and I am sure it will seem like a wish to become a next US president but it's a wish and wish has no boundaries. When I talk to my mom about MBA and getting in IIMs, but now it is more like getting into IIM-A only. Not because it is the best amongst its counterparts and is surrounded by glamor but because of the courses offered there.

Negotiations management - A course where teaching is done through movies and round of discussions & role plays. What a fantastic course it will be to attend. Most important, such course will not only help us in professional but also every where in life. Isn't it. Yet another similar interpersonal course is Exploring Roles & Identities. When I hear about such electives, I feel this is what you should to to IIM-A for. Not for salaries, fame or to show off, but to be a part of such courses.

Anyway, apart from MBA & job, I recently bought a Royal Enfiled Thunderbird. It cost me 1,19,000 on road and I am happy that this is my first bike bought of my own :)

In addition to this, I am in a process of registering a privet ltd. company. I always wanted to start something of my own and I am really happy that I found where to start.

So as you can see, I am all excited about different things I am doing and have been doing. More updates later :)


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