Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Grammar Funda

While i am posting the grammar questions i feel it necessary to post some grammar concepts also. When i was preparing for CAT 2006, i never tried to study the grammar part seriously but later on when i went on to study the EU part, i came to know that amongst all the people clearing English cut off, winner is the one who solves EU part correctly. As you all know if you are good at EU you will end up solving at least 5-6 question 15 min !! so what is ROI on the investment you do on study of grammar? 15 questions + we assume to solve 5 question correctly = 20 mark i.e. more than half way through to clearing VA cutoff !!

Any ways let me start with discussing some of the grammar funda that i know.
I assume peopel are aware of basics such as Waht is verb? What is noun? so let me take you all to discuss what type sof verbs we mainly have.
There are many types of verbs but i will broadly categorise them into only two types and are :
1) Action verb
2) Linking verb

Let us first see what do you mean by linking verb, A verb that acts as a linking between a subject and direct object would be termed as linking verb. Linking verbs are a lot simpler to understand because there are few verb that always identified a linking verb. The list goes as follows..

is Was been
Am were being
Are be

These are the verbs, whenever occurs, mostly they are linking verbs.

Action verbs are the verbs which indicates action (Verb does the same, then how it is different?)

There is a quick trick to identify action verbs from rest of the verbs. that i will discuss in the next coming post. Firstly let me discuss how should we identify between Verbs & verb phrase??

Let us discuss this with an example

The Cake tasted delicious
Any one would think the TESTED is an actiion verb?? let us check
A simple trick out here is, insert a form of linking verb after the verb you have identified, if after inserting this, sentence still makes sense then verb is linking verb !!!

Let is insert a from of linking verb WAS
Now the sentence becomes : The Cake WAS delicious, Makes sense?? YES
So TASTED is not an action verb but is a linking verb.

Here i have explained a very simple trick to solve questions based on verb and i think this post will surely make things clear.

Hope it helps,


First of all here are the solutions to EQAD-2

A1 Can you hear what he is saying?
answer: (a) saying
A2 She hasn't come home yet.
answer: (c) yet
A3 I watched TV yesterday evening.
answer: (d) watched
A4 We live near the city centre.
answer: (a) near
A5 She looks like a famous film star.
answer: (b) like

So here are next few question for you all

Q1 Some people only read the ....... lines in a newspaper.
(a) top (b) big (c) main (d) head
Q2 You should always check the sell ....... date of things you buy in the supermarket.
(a) in (b) through (c) by (d) off
Q3 When the building was completed, all the workers were paid ........
(a) off (b) through (c) out (d) over


Sunday, May 25, 2008


Hello all,
First of all i am sorry for noy posting the solution earlier. Well, before we start with the EQAD-2 here is the solution to earlier problem

EQAD Solution: option D
The error in this sentence occurs at (D), where there is an improper idiom. Both parts of the “both...and” structure must be followed by grammatically similar elements. Because “his” follows “both,” “his” must also follow “and” (“both his jazz and his classical”).

Noe here is the EQAD-2 for toady

Q1 Can you hear what he is .......?
(a) saying (b) speaking (c) telling (d) talking

Q2 She hasn't come home ........
(a) still (b) already (c) yet (d) till

Q3 I ....... TV yesterday evening.
(a) saw (b) looked (c) viewed (d) watched

Q4 We live ....... the city centre.
(a) near (b) next (c) by (d) nearby

Q5 She looks ....... a famous film star.
(a) as (b) like (c) similar (d) same

Hope it helps, i will post the answers tomorrow.
All the best and happy learning
BTW we have AIMCAT 2 coming up on 8th..

Friday, May 23, 2008

English question for the day.(EQAD)

Friends, here i am starting to post one question on english every day with explainnation. Question might be on word usage, grammer, parajumbles etc. I hope this will help many of ouie fellow CAT aspirants

Here is the question for the day
The following sentence contains either a single error or no error at all. If the sentence contains an error, select the one underlined part that must be changed to make the sentence correct. If the sentence contains no error, select choice E

Answer this question in the poll.



Time Value Concept Of Money !!


In continuation to my earlier post where i tried to explain some of the economy concepts, here i continue with some new concepts..Time value of money.
Time value of money, which serves as the foundation for many concepts in finance, arises from
the concept of interest. Because of interest, money on hand now is worth more than the same
money available at a later point of time. To understand time value of money and related concepts like Present value and future value, we need to understand the basic concepts of simple andcompound interest.

Future Value

Future Value is the value that a sum of money invested at compound interest will have after a
specified period.
The formula for Future Value is:
FV = PV*(1 + i)n

FV : Future Value at the end of n time periods
PV : Beginning value OR Present Value
i : Interest rate per unit time period
n : Number of time periods
If one were to receive 5% per annum compounded interest on $100 for five years,
FV = $100*(1.05)5 = $127.63

Intra-year compounding

If a cash flow is compounded more frequently than annually, then intra-year compounding is
being used. To adjust for intra-year compounding, an interest rate per compounding period must
be found as well as the total number of compounding periods.
The interest rate per compounding period is found by taking the annual rate and dividing it by the number of times per year the cash flows are compounded. The total number of compounding
periods is found by multiplying the number of years by the number of times per year cash flows
are compounded.
Suppose someone were to invest $10,000 at 8% interest, compounded semiannually, and hold it
for five years.,
Interest rate for compounding period = 8%/2 = 4%
Number of compounding periods = 5*2 = 10
Thus, the future value FV = 10,000*(1+0.04)^10 = $14,802.44

Present value

Present Value is the current value of a future cash flow or of a series of future cash flows. It is
computed by the process of discounting the future cash flows at a predetermined rate of interest.
If $10,000 were to be received in a year, the present value of the amount would not be $10,000
because we do not have it in our hand now, in the present. To find the present value of the future
$10,000, we need to find out how much we would have to invest today in order to receive that
$10,000 in the future. To calculate present value, or the amount that we would have to invest
today, we must subtract the (hypothetical) accumulated interest from the $10,000. To achieve
this, we can discount the future amount ($10,000) by the interest rate for the period. The future
value equation given above can be rearranged to give the Present Value equation:
PV = FV / (1+I)^n
In the above example, if interest rate is 5%, the present value of the $10,000 which we will
receive after one year, would be:
PV = 10,000/(1+0.05) = $ 9,523.81

Net Present Value (NPV)

Net Present Value (NPV) is a concept often used to evaluate projects/investments using the
Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method. The DCF method simply uses the time value concept and
discounts future cash flows by the applicable interest rate factor to arrive at the present value of
the cash flows. NPV for a project is calculated by estimating net future cash flows from the
project, discounting these cash flows at an appropriate discount rate to arrive at the present value of future cash flows, and then subtracting the initial outlay on the project.

NPV of a project/investment = Discounted value of net cash inflows – Initial cost/investment.

The project/investment is viable if NPV is positive while it is not viable if NPV is negative.
Example An investor has an opportunity to purchase a piece of property for $50,000 at the beginning of the year. The after-tax net cash flows at the end of each year are forecast as follows:
Year Cash Flow
1 $9,000
2 8,500
3 8,000
4 8,000
5 8,000
6 8,000
7 8,000
8 7,000
9 4,500
10 51,000 (property sold at the end of the 10th year)
Assume that the required rate of return for similar investments is 15.00%.
NPV = - 50000 + 9000/(1+0.15)^1 + 8500/(1+0.15)^2 + ….. +51000/(1+0.15)^10 = $612.96
However, if we assume that the required rate of return is 16.00%,
NPV = - 50000 + 9000/(1+0.16)^1 + 8500/(1+0.16)^2 + ….. +51000/(1+0.16)^10 = ($1360.77)
Thus, it can be seen that the NPV is highly sensitive to required rate of return. NPV of a project:
· Increases with increase in future cash inflows for a given initial outlay
· Decreases with increase in initial outlay for a given set of future cash inflows
· Decreases with increase in required rate of return.

Hope it helps,



Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Another one from Chetan Bhagat - 3 Mistakes of my life

Good new for Chetan Bhagat lovers like me, the third book is now out from the press and available. Indeed i was waiting for another one from him.

3 Mistakes of my life

What it is all about?

Wondering what is the story this time?? I think he rocks again. The story starts with a saturday morning, an email pops up onto the chetan's screen, what was it all about??

--It was a sucide note !!

Writer of the email was taking the sleeping pills as he write downs every sentence of email. Chetan had a look on the number of sentences as he takes the another sip of coffee, it was already 5 sentences, 5!!! ??? Chetan puts his coffee mug down..

Well, i think i should not write anymore on this, but still if you guys want to read the first chapter, then visit this link :




Monday, May 19, 2008

English Question a day !!

Exactly like what Pagalguy is runnign their QQAD (Quant question a day). Here is something i found out for english question, you can call it EQAD !! there are a few simple steps you have to follow.

Follow following URL :


Here fill in all the required information, & email id, and just register. This will deliver one English question into your mail box everyday. Hope it helps many studens


Sunday, May 18, 2008

AIMCAT0920 Analysis
Yet another saga begins! Yes it is indeed the AIMCAT season. A season of big game hunting, of refining skills and practicing for the kill. As always, we at T.I.M.E. would like to reiterate our promise of giving you the most challenging, enriching and learning experience – one that would make the CAT of 2008 seem like child’s play!!Over the years, we have seen quite a large number of students having a ‘fixed’ notion of what the CAT exam is going to be. This notion stems from their acquaintance with the previous years’ papers (in this case the 2007 and 2006 tests). Nothing can be more dangerous than the “CAT has been like this last year and it is going to be like that in this year as well” approach. The cardinal rule to doing well in CAT is to rid oneself of notions as to what CAT2008 could be like and instead to prepare for all possible permutations and combinations in the exam pattern and in the types of questions being asked.Let us now analyze each section of today’s AIMCAT:


Overall, the Quant section of AIMCAT0920 recreated the look and the feel of the Quant section of CAT2007 very closely, except for the fact that this section was, on the whole, of a level of difficulty slightly less than that of the Quant section of the actual CAT2007. Easy and doable questions were not difficult to find. More specifically, there were a significant proportion of such questions among the first half of the section itself, while the latter half had a few more of difficult questions. The DS questions had two easy/doable questions and two which could be classified as difficult There were several questions dealing with basic concepts like elementary geometry, concepts of number theory, simple equations, etc., sufficient enough in number for even the first time CAT-aspirants to give this section a decent shot, without having to complain of not having completed their full syllabus. The only way one could have missed the cut-off in this section could have been to thoroughly mismanage their time by getting stuck in difficult or unfamiliar questions and losing focus. A clear mind and disciplined approach would have easily enabled one to bag a decent percentile. An average student in Quantitative could have managed a score of around 20+ marks and any score from 28 to 44 marks can be considered to be good. Any score from 45 to 60 would be very good and 60+, excellent. The cut-off score in this section is expected to be around 28 marks.

Section 2 –

The Logic & Data Interpretation section of AIMCAT0920 was of a higher level of difficulty than that of the CAT2007 paper. The questions were not the ‘direct’ calculation based ones but were rather based on logic and involved understanding the situation clearly. The set on ‘boys standing in a queue’ was fairly straight forward and students should have solved it completely. The set on ‘Internet shopping malls in various countries’ was a calculation intensive one and did not test one’s ability to comprehend the data. The set on pie charts was quite easy and anyone who is familiar with ratios would have been able to crack it without much effort. However, the last question in the set was difficult and should have been left out. The sets pertaining to the ‘documents of Gill Bates’, ‘classrooms in a school’ and ‘Waist sizes’ were quite difficult and students choosing them ahead of the other sets would have wasted a lot of time without commensurate returns. The questions on Data Sufficiency were a mixture of both easy and difficult ones with Qs 47 and 49 being sitters. All in all a good paper to test one’s mettle in this very crucial section and highlight areas of concern and improvement.An average student in Logic & Data Interpretation could have managed a score of around 20 marks and any score from 26 to 40 marks can be considered to be good. Any score from 41 to 54 would be very good and 55+, excellent. The cut-off score in this section is expected to be around 26 marks.

Section 3 –

The Verbal section of AIMCAT0920 was of a slightly lower level of difficulty than that of the CAT2007 paper. The RC passages barring the one on “Japan” were of the CAT type and were based on ethics, economics and philosophy. Students who had not done varied and extensive reading would have found the passages difficult to read and comprehend. Students would have been better off attempting passages 1 and 3, whereas passages 2 and 4 would have troubled even the most prolific of readers. The Qs on grammar and usage were tricky and could have fooled most of the students into making mistakes but then, since this is the first MOCK, there is quite some time to plug the gaps and reinforce the weak areas. Most of you would have tried solving the questions on Vocabulary and a smart elimination based approach would have helped in getting 2 out of the 3 questions right. The para-jumble questions were tricky and would have daunted even the most well prepared of students and as such should have been avoided.All in all, an average student in Verbal could have managed a score of around 16 marks and any score from 22 to 36 marks can be considered to be good. Any score from 37 to 45 would be very good and 46+, excellent. The cut-off score in this section is expected to be around 22 marks. The overall cut-off for at least 1 IIM call would be in the range of 88-92 marks and any score in excess of 108 should fetch 3 or more IIM calls.

Hope it help to many, well, i think i have screwed up here big time, but yes i spend one full day analyasing my mistakes and have come up with some learnings. Shall post it afterwards..


Saturday, May 17, 2008

First AIMCAT !!

Well, eveything is set to fly off with the first AIMCAT of the 2008 season. Juat thought to post before the test. Guys i think this is the time when many firstimers and also repeaters like me are apprering. But out of few thing i learned form previous CATs is, accuracy would be the key, Give soem time in selecting the questions, it is not a waste of time rather it is an investment.
For firstimers -- If you have not finished the syllabus, (even i have not :) ) just go for the question that u r comfortable with, look out for sitters, mark them and solve them first because another thing i have learnt is, in first few minutes of CAT, it happens that you might not fine any sitter, any easy question, this creates problem and weakens your attitude. So start with your strong section, solve a few question, get a feel that YES i can solve it, grab the positive attitude and throttle with full power. ALL THE BEST again and hope few posts their score out here.
Also a discussion is going out there on Pagalguy about the mocks, here is the link


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Quick DI inputs..

While searchin some good contents for DI to start with i came across some really good contents on DI. Althought these are very easy question, but this would act as a starting point for all of those who are still struggling to start with DI from the scratch...
Here we go...
Unraveling the Purpose of Data Interpretation
Data Interpretation section virtually puts a student in the shoes of a Business Manager, who is inundated with useful (and not so infrequently with useless) data and has to make some quick interpretation of the data to reach important decisions. Once presented with graphs or tables, the mental processor of a manager starts whirring at the top gear and selects, prunes, manipulates, and compares the data and reaches certain conclusions. Successful operations of these processes require that a manager possesses qualities like:

o An eye for detail,

o An ability to focus on key issues quickly,

o An ability to work on numbers in different ways,

o An ability to see a trend,

o An ability to identify exceptional situations,

o An ability to work with logical relationships and An ability to reach a conclusion using deductive logic.
Well, here i am putting some D Iquestion for you to solve them from one of the DI doc i have with me. These examples are fro mCAT 2001 and are really simple..Give yourself a quick shot and test where you stand...

Question 1 to 3

There are six companies, 1 through 6. All of these companies use six operations, A through F. The following graph shows the distribution of efforts put in by each company in these operations

Q1. Suppose effort allocation is interchanged between operations B and C, then C and D, and then D and E and if companies are then ranked in ascending order of effort in E, what will be the rank of company 3?
1. 2 2. 3 3. 4 4. 5

Q2. A new technology is introduced in company 4 such that the total effort for operations B through F gets evenly distributed among these. What is the change in the percentage of effort in operation E?
1. Reduction of 12.3 2. Increase of 12.3
3. Reduction of 5.6 4. Increase of 5.6

Q3. Suppose the companies find that they can remove operations B, C and D and re-distribute the effort released equally among the remaining operations. Then, which operation will show the maximum effort across all companies and all operations?
1. Operation E in company 1 2. Operation E in company 4
3. Operation F in company 5 4. Operation E in company 5

Question 4 and 5

Answer the questions based on the pie charts given below



Chart-1 shows the distribution by value of top 6 suppliers of MFA Textiles in 1995. Chart-2 shows the distribution by quantity of top 6 suppliers of MFA textiles in 1995. The total value is 5760 million Euros (the European currency). The total quantity is 1.055 million tonnes.

Q4. The country, which has the highest average price, is
1. USA2. Switzerland 3. Turkey 4. India

Q5. The average price in Euro/ kg for Turkey is roughly
1. 6.20 2. 5.60 3. 4.20 4. 4.80

Question 6 to 7 (Source: CAT 2004)
The profitability of a company is defined as the ratio of its operating profit to its operating income, typically expressed in percentage. The following two charts show the operating income as well as the profitability of six companies in the financial years (F.Y.s) 2001-02 and 2002-03.

Bar Graph-1

Bar Graph-2

Q6. Which company recorded the highest operating profit in F.Y. 2002-03?
1. A 2. C 3. E 4. F

Q7. The average operating profit in F.Y. 2002-03, of companies with profitability exceeding 10% in F.Y. 2002-03, is approximately:
1. 17.5 crore 2. 25 crore 3. 27.5 crore 4. 32.5 crore

I will levae this question unanswered for a day and tomorrow i will post the detailed answers and aslo LR inputs. I will also try to post some more difficult question i have come across through my this journey to CAT 2008.

I am also planning to update this blog with some more inputs on QA topics like Logarithms, Progression.

Also on 18th we have a national MOCK CAT..All the best to all fellow aspirants..



Saturday, May 3, 2008

How inflation affects your investments??

Currently inflation is soaring at almost 4 years hight as 7.5% + (Figure is not precise). Now for a common man like you and me, how does this increasing inflation hurts your investments?
Are you still thinking about this and looking for a solution? Here are a few points on this..
Whenever you invest any sum of money in any of the financial instrument, you expect a decent rate of return, we call this as ROI (Return on investment). Now whenever you earn the intrest money which is your return on the money is not the actual return. How!!?? Because of Inflation !! , I should try explaining this with one exmaple.
For E.g. You have invested 10000/- Rs. for 1 year in any financial instrument at annual 10% return. At the end of the saving scheme period of 1 year you would expect a return of 1000 Rs. as your income and total sum shold be 11000/- Rs. But if inflation is acting up at 5% then your rate of return becomes 10% - 5% = 5% !! so your actual rate of return besomes 5% only !! and not 10%. So your actual return becomes 500/- Rs. only and not 1000/- Rs. which is just half of your retyrn. So because of 5% inflation your return becomes half of of what you expect.
So what we have to do is, plan your investments such that your savings should not get reduced by inflation but you achieve at least break even point i.e. point of no loss no gain.
Finally i just want to say is, Money making is an art, you have to learn it diligently.


Friday, May 2, 2008

Lets learn some quick fundas on Indian economy !

Friends, here are some concepts that appears infront of us manytimes, often daily. Some concepts like what is CRR? what is CDR? what is REPO? blah blah blah..so lets discuss some of them here..

I will try to post as many terms as possible but if i miss anything then please excuse me.

1) CRR :

Cash reserve Ratio (CRR) is the amount of funds that the banks have to keep with RBI. If RBI decides to increase the percent of this, the available amount with the banks comes down. RBI is using this method (increase of CRR rate), to drain out the excessive money from the banks.

2)Relation between Inflation and Bank interest Rates
Now a days, you might have heard lot of these terms and usage on inflation and the bank interest rates. I am are trying to make it simple for you to understand the relation between inflation and bank interest rates in India.
Bank interest rate depends on many other factors, out of that the major one is inflation. Whenever you see an increase on inflation, there will be an increase of interest rate also.

3) What is Inflation?
Inflation is defined as an increase in the price of bunch of Goods and services that projects the Indian economy. An increase in inflation figures occurs when there is an increase in the average level of prices in Goods and services. Inflation happens when there are less Goods and more buyers, this will result in increase in the price of Goods, since there is more demand and less supply of the goods. infaltion is determined on WPI, and friends here the concept of weighted averaegs comes into picture.

You can see how it is calculated in my earlier blog named "Soaring inflation"

4) What is REPO rate?

Whenever the banks have any shortage of funds they can borrow it from RBI. Repo rate is the rate at which our banks borrow rupees from RBI. A reduction in the repo rate will help banks to get money at a cheaper rate. When the repo rate increases borrowing from RBI becomes more expensive.

5) What is reverse REPO rate?

Reverse Repo rate is the rate at which Reserve Bank of India (RBI) borrows money from banks. Banks are always happy to lend money to RBI since their money are in safe hands with a good interest. An increase in Reverse repo rate can cause the banks to transfer more funds to RBI due to this attractive interest rates. It can cause the money to be drawn out of the banking system. Due to this fine tuning of RBI using its tools of CRR, Bank Rate, Repo Rate and Reverse Repo rate our banks adjust their lending or investment rates for common man.

6) PE Ratio:

The P/E ratio (price-to-earnings ratio) of a stock (also called its "earnings multiple", or simply "multiple", "P/E", or "PE") is a measure of the price paid for a share relative to the annual income or profit earned by the firm per share.A higher P/E ratio means that investors are paying more for each unit of income. It is a valuation ratio included in other financial ratios. The reciprocal of the P/E ratio is known as the earnings yield.

7) What is EPS?

The portion of a company's profit allocated to each outstanding share of common stock. EPS serves as an indicator of a company's profitability.Calculated as:

In the EPS calculation, it is more accurate to use a weighted average number of shares outstanding over the reporting term, because the number of shares outstanding can change over time. However, data sources sometimes simplify the calculation by using the number of shares outstanding at the end of the period.

8) What is IRR?
The internal rate of return (IRR) is a capital budgeting metric used by firms to decide whether they should make investments. It is an indicator of the efficiency of an investment, as opposed to net present value (NPV), which indicates value or magnitude.
The IRR is the annualized effective compounded return rate which can be earned on the invested capital, i.e., the yield on the investment.
A project is a good investment proposition if its IRR is greater than the rate of return that could be earned by alternate investments (investing in other projects, buying bonds, even putting the money in a bank account). Thus, the IRR should be compared to any alternate costs of capital including an appropriate risk premium.
Mathematically the IRR is defined as any discount rate that results in a net present value of zero of a series of cash flows.

I think i should stop here, i will update this post in near future..
All the best, hope it helps..


Some quick inputs on RBI policy

Here are some good inputs on RBI's recent policy, i am posting summary of this article which is followed by a link to download the PDF article..
RBI Policy

At last week’s policy meeting, the RBI left the repo, reverse repo and bank rates
unchanged at 7.75%, 6% and 6% respectively but hiked the cash reserve ratio
(CRR) by 50bps to 7.5%.
RBI's stance retained the earlier emphasis on price stability and anchoring inflation
expectations as well as the emphasis on ensuring credit quality and orderly
conditions in financial markets. We retain our expectations for another 50bp
CRR hike in 1Q08 and look for more sterilisation bond issuances before policy
rate hikes are eventually seen as “unavoidable” in 3Q08.
Growth forecast maintained
3% WPI goal really a long-run “wish”
The RBI maintained its GDP forecast for FY2007 (Apr07-Mar08) at 8.5% and
repeated that the goal is to contain inflation close to 5%. It also mentioned
that the endeavour would be to condition inflation expectations in the range
of 4.0%-4.5%, so that in the medium-term, inflation can be brought down to
3%. We would not pay too much attention to this 3% medium-term inflation
target. Given the government’s fear that higher rates would slow growth, the
RBI would probably not have the freedom to raise rates sufficiently to bring
inflation down to 3%. RBI moves are, therefore, likely to be restricted to the
objective of containing inflation below 5%.
Here is the link to full article on this :
Enjoy reading.

Quant Concept - Functions Part-II

Continuing to previous post on Functions, here are some more concepts on Functions..

Inverse of a function :
Inverse of a function exist only if, for every value of a dependant variable "y", ther exists only and only one value of independant variable "x".
So when ever question comes to find the inverse of a function, what you have to do is:
Replace every occurance of x with y, for e.g
you are given following function f(x)= 1/(x-2), and you have to find an inverse of this function, now, replace every x with y, so we have x= 1/(y-2)
Make this equation in the form of y,
therefore, y=1+2x/x => 2 + 1/x which is an inverse of the function.

Relationship between y=f(x) & y=f(x)+c
If you have a function of the form y=f(x)+c, then graph of your function will be shifted up on the x-y axix by "C" units.

E.g :
1) y=f(x)-c
Graph will be down by "C" units on x-y axis.

Graph will be shifter to the left on x-y axix by "C" units.

3) y=f(x-c)
Graph will be shifted on to the right on x-y axix by "C " units.

Some important points:
For two functions to be identical , their domain should be EQUAL.
Domains of some functions:
1) y= root X => x>=0
2) y= root x => x>=0
3) y= root x^2 => x>=0

Hope this helps to many..
Happy studying..


Finally IIM results are out !!

Hey guys,
After long wait, IIMs have declared their results, i am posting some of the links and also some links from pagalguy forum where the discussion is going about the final calls. Enjoy..And all the best to all for next CAT 2008..

