Tuesday, April 29, 2008

If this doesnt inspire you, nothing will.

Very recently i came accross one of the superb video i have ever seen. It inspired me like anything else. I can challenge anyone that this video will inspire you and will awaken the fighter inside you if it is sleeping. I am posting the link to the video as i am unable to put the video directly out here. I am exclusively posting this link for those people who are left behind the race of CAT 2008 or let me make it more bigger-- LIFE.
I am sure when you see this video you will get a kick start and start your preparation will full power.
Here is the link...

Happy studying..


Quant concept - Functions

So after so many days, i am writing about functions. Iwas too busy so just could not post the next posts. So here we go again..
Here are some very very important points about functions. I am starting with basics now..
1) Functions will always be in a form of
equation will always be in a form of
f(x)= 0

2) when y=f(x)
x= independant variable
y= dependant variable

3) What is Domain of a function?
Domain is a set of values for viz equation make sense.
e.g y=x^2
so D = x>0 (i.e. x should not be zero in order to validate the equation, else if x=0 then y=0 and indirectly equation will be zero)

4) What are even functions?

f(x)=f(-x) then function is said to be even function

Some important points about function-->
1)Sum, difference,product,quotient of an even function is even
2)Graph of even function wil be always symmetrical about "y-axis" when x is independane variable and y is dependant varibale.
When this condition changes, then graph wil be symmeterical about "x-axis".
5) What are odd functions?
when f(x)= -f(-x) then function would called as od function

some important points for odd function -->
1) Sunm & difference of odd function is odd.
2)roduct & quotient is even.
3)The graph of odd function is always symmetrical about "Origin".

For now i am ending this post here as i need to go home and have a dinner. I will update this function tomorrow again with more concepts about functions.

I hope this helps to many people..

Enjoy & good night & sweet dreams :)


Friday, April 4, 2008

Soaring Inflation !!

I was having a bite in the canteen when it came to me that inflation soared to 7%. Bapre!!! was the only word i could utter. While inflation is at 3 years high, we all fear CRR hike by RBI. But a common man is always and will continue to suffer unless strong measures are taken. Consumer prices are hurting a poor, The government has already scrapped import duties on cooking oils and maize, extended a ban on pulse exports and on Friday stopped export incentives on basmati rice to boost local supplies after earlier banning non-basmati exports as a fighting measure. But anyways these measures are not enough to help a common man at grass root level.
I would like to add my last point here, how inflation is calculated :
The inflation rate is worked out from Consumer Price Index values (CPI). The CPI is calculated from the weighted prices of several groups of articles of consumption like food items, machinery, chemicals, metals, building construction material, etc. The inflation rate is the percentage increase or decrease in the values of CPI at a specified time interval.
Anyways this was only an update, and lets get back to our old topic. I am writing new post on a topic from QA - Functions & Graphs.